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Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Reason To GIve Thanks!!

Thanksgiving/ Brody's Actual Birthday

This year Brody's Birthday fell on Thanksgiving.  It was great to be able to spend his birthday with so many family members.  This year we went to Peggy's house and celebrated with the Dickersons, Rosemeyers, and the Grohs.  Peggy and Mimi cooked a fantastic Thanksgiving feast for us and I made Brody his first birthday cake.  

I stressed over and worked on his cake for hours the night before.  I got my cake decorating idea from Pinterest and I was determined that it would not be a Pinterest fail.  Looking back on the whole fiasco I really acted quite silly.  I wanted that cake to be so perfect and cute and really what for.  Brody didn't care how it looked he just wanted to eat it.  I think we so often get caught up in how things look and stress over what others will think that we loose sight of the purpose of our efforts.  I hope in the future that I can put things in perspective and recognize when I am loosing focus on what is really is important.  

Anyway....... that being said our Thanksgiving gathering was a perfect way to celebrate his first Birthday.  

He Loved The Tissue Paper

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ear Tubes and Pneumonia

November followed suit as a continuation of sick October.  I honestly have lost track of how many times Brody has been to the doctor in the last few months.  Some weeks we were there two to three times a week..  Due to his chronic ear infections Brody was kept on antibiotics until we could have his ear tubes placed.  I just couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else wrong with him besides his ears.  He kept a constant runny nose and cough.  For weeks we had been getting him up out of bed and giving him a drink at night in hopes it would stop his coughing but it never did.  The whole situation was hard because I was starting to doubt by self and wonder if I was that mother who brought their kid to the doctors for every sniffle.

On Nov 20th Brody went to the OR to have bilateral ear tubes placed.  It was hard to send him off to the OR but because he had them done where I work I knew he had a good team taking care of him.  The procedure was so quick and I was back with him in just about 10 min.  At first he screamed and grabbed his ears but after some Motrin and Tylenol he calmed down and drank some of his bottle.  The afternoon following the tubes was pretty normal for Brody.  He slept, ate and played with his second cousin Cole.  We had even made plans to take the boys to Toys R Us that evening for some Christmas shopping ideas.  Unfortunately at dinner I could tell something wasn't right with Brody and I decided to stay home with him and  Brett, Andrea, Cole and Graham went out on their own for some family time.

After Brody picked at his dinner I checked his temperature and he was 100.3, so I gave him some Motrin, and took him upstairs for his bath.  During his bath he started shivering so I quickly removed him from the water and started getting him ready to go to bed early.  Just as he was almost finished with his nighttime bottle he vomited all over me, and upon checking his temperature again he was 104.1, and very tachypneic.  Considering he was only 12 hours post op I felt this temperature was to high and he needed to be evaluated.

At Central Baptist ER Brody's temperature came down slightly but he became pretty listless.  It was so frightening to see him be so limp and feel so hot.  They did chest films, a CBC, and blood cultures.  While there he received a fluid bolus, IV antibiotics, and breathing treatments.  After the fluid bolus and breathing treatment Brody began to perk up.  We later were discharged with a home nebulizer, antibiotics and with a diagnosis of viral pneumonia and petechiae.

In the few days following his ER visit Brody has continued to spike fevers above 104 and has required many, cool baths and breathing treatments.  Unfortunately yesterday we thought we might have to be admitted for dehydration considering Brody absolutely refused to eat or drink anything.  Thankfully this morning he has started drinking again,.  Dave and I have been taking turns getting up with him at night to check his temp, re dose his Motrin or Tylenol and give him a cool bath if needed.  We are hopeful that his pneumonia resolves quickly and that we can get our boy healthy again.

Addendum:  One day after Brody's fevers broke he had a rash over his entire body and it was decided that his fevers were not due to the Pneumonia but that he had Roseolla.  Luckily it has been almost a full week since any fevers and he is doing better than ever.  We LOVE seeing our boy healthy.

Monday, November 11, 2013

USMC Ball 2013

USMC Ball 2013

Dave and I were lucky enough this year to attend the Commandant of the United States Marine Corps Ball.  Our friends Gary Kidwell and his girlfriend Emily attended the ball with us.  Dave and flew to Maryland Friday morning and spent the day with Kidwell and Emily exploring Maryland and Annapolis.  Saturday we went to Quantico and visited the USMC museum, and ate lunch before checking into the hotel to get ready for the ball.  

The ball itself was definitively the most glamorous I have attended.  We got to hear the Commandant deliver a speech as well as Dakota Meyers who was the guest of honor.  We also got to hear the Presidents own Marine Corp Band.  The Band played "Battle hymn of the Republic," which was very special to me seeing as it was a song my Grandfather loved.  Overall the night was wonderful.  It was great to get dressed up and celebrate the Marine Cops Birthday with friends. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

October - The month of illness


I can't believe October is over!  I feel like I missed the entire month; or maybe it is that I subconsciously am trying to forget the entire month.  For starters Brody was sick almost the entire month of September and definitively was sick the entire month of October.  He has had one ear infection after another, and has topped all of this off with an upper and respiratory infection.  Needless to say after 5 different antibiotics, including 3 rounds of Rocephn he will be getting bilateral myringotomy tubes just as soon as I can get him scheduled.  I must say that for a kid that has been so sick and has had terrible diaper rash from the multiple rounds of antibiotics he hasn't been to difficult to care for.  We have been so blessed with a very happy child even when he doesn't feel well. 

I myself, decided to have a rather sudden tonsillectomy at the beginning of the month.  My tonsils  had been bothering me more than usual and despite the fact that I knew they needed to come out I also knew that if I waited to long I might possibly decide not to go through with it.  I have been terrified of the thought of this procedure for a long time, hence why I never did it in the past.  I am pleased to report though that despite the many negative things I was told about the recovery I really did not feel it was that bad.  The pain was no walk in the park but it was tolerable with the help of narcotics.  The physical exhaustion I felt for two weeks after the surgery was unexpected but the GI bug I got at the tail end of my recovery did not help.  I also have to give props and Thanks to Dave for stepping up and carrying for Brody by himself after work for most nights while I recovered.  I also can't for get the help we received from my parents and Dave's mom.  And last but definitely not least Sara gets a huge thanks for helping in so many ways those two weeks I was down.  Without Sara I am not sure we all would have survived..  So far I can't 100% say I am glad I had it done.  I continue to have a slight speech impediment amongst a few other symptoms but I am hopeful that with time this will improve.  

Despite all the illness we did end the month on a positive.  BRODY"S 1st HALLOWEEN!!!  We dressed him up as an owl and he was so dang cute.  We handed out candy and hung out with neighbors late into the evening and definitely look forward to trick or treating with him in the years to come.