Ohhhh Brody you have had us all worried the last two weeks. It all started almost 2 weeks ago when you started getting your molars. You wouldn't really eat, you were crabby and even vomited a few times throughout the week. Thursday you even vomited all over Sara and Charlie. I believe that was the day you took the turn for the worst.
Friday morning Sara had an inkling to check on you when you hadn't woken up at your normal time. I am so glad she did because she found you laying in a puddle of vomit and diarrhea. When she entered your room you didn't respond to her, you didn't respond during your bath and you just stared off into space. After your bath you couldn't stand, you just stared off and didn't speak even when she turned off Mickey Mouse. At this point I was at work and texting with Sara. Sara and I began to worry you had had a seizure. I left work and we took you to the ER. By the time I came home though you were acting like you normally do when you are sick and had snapped out of your trance. Your Dad was out of town camping with friends so I couldn't even tell him what was going on with you. The ER agreed you probably had a febrile seizure but sent us on home since you were acting okay.
Saturday you were great!!! We played outside all day and enjoyed the exceptionally warm weather for February. Your dad returned home at 5 by which time you had resorted to laying on me watching TV. I thought we were just enjoying some snuggle time but you then proceeded to vomit all over yourself, me, the couch, the carpet etc. I couldn't believe the amount of vomit that came out of your little body. You then proceeded to keep a high fever despite our constant dosing of Tylenol and Motrin. I slept in your room Saturday night so I could keep a close eye on you and give you medicine for your fever every few hours.
Sunday you wouldn't drink or eat, and we were so worried about you. We eventually took you to urgent treatment where they tested you for the flu, RSV, and strep. You hate the doctors and cried to go bye bye the entire time. It broke our heart to watch them poke at you. Sunday night I tried to have you sleep with me in our bed but you couldn't get comfortable. I eventually moved you back to your bed but set my alarm to check on you every three hours and re dose your medicine.
Monday, and Tuesday was just like Sunday. Sara was able to get you to drink small amounts out of syringe but you still didn't eat. Wednesday you started drinking but still protested eating. Sara tried all sorts of your favorite foods but you just cried. Finally she got you to eat goldfish, and drink a milkshake. You chewed your food forever and gagged when you swallowed. I began to worry you had mono, or swallowed a battery, or there was something very wrong with you. Even your dad agreed something just wasn't right, and we had decided that Thursday we were going to take you back to the doctor.
The threat of going back to the doctor must have made you better. Thursday morning before I left for work you climbed out of bed and were knocking at the door. Normally I would have made you stay on your room until 7 (wake up time) but I ran up there and found you happy and better. You came downstairs and ate breakfast with me. That day you, Sara, and Charlie played and even went out to eat where you ate so well. Sara said you were finally better, but just tired easily. I felt like a load had been lifted from my shoulders, I was so worried about you. What ever virus/bug you had really did a number in you but I think you have finally pulled out of it and I hope in a few more days you will completely regain your strength and be back to the energetic, crazy, happy little boy we love.