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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

March/April Photo Dump

Baby # 3

Ohh little one, I am so sorry that I have not written much about my pregnancy with you but life is just so busy and I know is about to get even busier.  I have really started to worry about how I will handle life with three kids since I feel like I barely am keeping my head above water now, having two and being pregnant with you. 

I have been off this week and have been working like mad to get our house organized, cleaned and prepare the best I can for your arrival.  I just know that once you arrive our lives will likely turn to chaos and that really is stressing me out. 

So an update on my pregnancy with you.  You haven't exactly made it easy on me.  My heart rate remains high most of the time, I have developed asthma and I am starting to ache and hurt most days due to your presence.  That all being said, I just can't wait for you to be born.  I am dying to know your gender and to know what our complete family looks like.  Sometimes I catch myself wondering if I will be disappointed if you are a boy.  I really hope on your birthday I don't feel that way and I deep down I don't think I will care what you are.  I of course would love to know what it is like to have a daughter but I love the two boys we already have and I know your Dad an I would be more than happy to be the parents of three fun little boys. 

I had another ultrasound this week and you are measuring right on schedule so keep up the good work little one.  Ohhh and your Dad will be out of town for a week coming up so don't come early!!  You are still breech so if you could work on turning head down, I would appreciate that.  I am not interested in having to have a C-section on my last pregnancy. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Bunk Beds

A few weeks ago we decided to move the boys into one room.  Unfortunately we were unable to fit two twin beds in their little room so we bought some bunk beds off a friend.  We all knew Brody would do well and would love them but we all thought Jett would do awful.  Shockingly to our surprise the transition has been flawless.  Jett even sleeps better in the bunk beds then he did in the crib.  Brody, also suddenly decided the night we got the new beds that he would stop wetting his nighttime underwear at night.  We will mark this one down as a WIN for all!