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Sunday, June 25, 2017

June Photo Dump

First Sutures for Jett

Brody is our dare devil and Jett isn't a chicken but is a bit more cautious yet he seems to be the one always getting injured.  I still don't know exactly what happened but what I can gather from his injury and from Brody's rendition of what happened I believe Jett fell or maybe was pushed from our slide in the playroom and he hit his head on the outside of the toy shelves.  Sadly I was doing dishes and didn't see it and didn't believe he was really hurt until he made his way over to me with blood pouring down his face.  To my surprise he actually quit crying rather quick and we snuggled on the couch until Dave was able to come home to keep Brody while I took him to get stitches.  Luckily one of the perks of working in the OR is I get to know many of the surgeons and was able to text a plastic surgeon friend who agreed to stitch him up in his office that night.
When we arrived at his office we had to strap poor little Jett down and I held his head still while Joe numbed and stitched up his head.  I felt so bad holding him down but to my surprise he didn't really cry a cry of fear or hurt but he was pissed.  He recovered pretty quick and even said "dank you," when he was all finished.
I am SO happy with his scar and not that I ever doubted Joe but just two weeks out it looks amazing!!

11 Days Away From Kaiser Party of 5

So here I sit, 11 days away from your due date.  You have already kept us on our toes just like your brothers did and we have had two nights of false start labor.  At least this time I have learned to wait it out a bit before heading to the hospital.  Right now your Dad is on his way to Dayton and I am pretty worried that I'll go into labor without him, or that I'll call him home in the middle of the night for yet another false alarm.  So do me a favor just hang tight in there for the next 48 hrs.  We are all so excited to finally meet you and have you come complete our family.  We have decided on your name and if you are a boy you will be Tristan Gilbert, and if you are a girl Vale Ann.  I really feel like you are a boy.  I feel so strongly about it that I forget in actuality I really don't know.  Brody seems to believe you area  girl because we already have three boys in the family and only one girl.  Jett still has no clue about you or anything that is about to happen.

You have been here before buddy!  I'm, not sure you remember us bringing home your brother Jett or not but nevertheless you have experienced all this before.  You surprised us with your love for Jett from day 1.  We thought you would have trouble sharing our attention and yet you fell right into your big brother role beautifully.  It has been fun to talk to you about our new baby and here all the things you want to help with.  You love to feel the baby kick and it always makes you giggle.  I have no doubt you will step into your big brother role again quite seamlessly and I look forward to seeing how much you have matured with your ability to help this time around.

Ohh Jett, I worry about you buddy.  I think you will love the new baby maybe a little to much at times but I think you will have trouble with sharing our attention.  At the same time I say this, I also can't help but recognize how much you have matured in the last 6 months.  You are learning limits and are testing ours but you seem to easier and are beginning to understand the way of the world on multiple levels.  I'm so glad you have your older brother to help show you the ropes of the big brother role.  I think you will also do great and I look forward to seeing the bond you form with a younger sibling. I sure do love you buddy and hope you transition to big brother as easily as your brother did.  

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Fathers Day 2017

Fathers Day this year was hard for me but I'm pretty sure Dave had a great day which I guess is what it is about.  It was a scorcher which made it hard to entertain the boys because being this far along pregnant it was just to hot for me to be outside much.  Dave had asked to spend the day parachuting and he wanted the boys to come to the drop zone to see him jump.  I was kind of reluctant because I knew the boys would love it and that would be good and bad all at the same time.  We ended up going because I decided we are who we are and I want the boys to live their life fully like their Dad does but I just hope and pray they are a bit more chicken of all these more dangerous hobbies.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

35 weeks Pregnant and Balloon Race

Not sure what I was thinking taking the boys to the Danville Balloon Race alone after working all week, but we had fun and no one got lost.  It was a hot night but I felt that I hadn't been that fun lately because I am always telling them that the baby makes Mommy tired and that we can't do things because of the baby in my belly.  I spent most of the evening second guessing my decision to go and worrying I would loose one of them in the crowd but we ended up having a blast.