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Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse

On August 21st we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to see a solar eclipse.  Lexington, Ky was not in the path of totality but pretty darn close at 93% I think.  After doing a lot of research and spending a decent amount of money I was able to find solar glasses that were approved by NASA so we could all watch the eclipse happen.  I decided that Jett was to little but I explained to Brody the seriousness of wearing the glasses and felt like he was mature enough to handle it.  
Around 2:30 we all set out to watch the eclipse.  I was afraid that Brody would remove his glasses and I wouldn't know it because I would be looking up at the sun in mine so I put them on his head with a pair of ski goggles.  I guess I stressed to him the danger a little to much because after watching the eclipse for a minute he panicked and ran inside screaming and crying.  After calming him down quickly I ran back outside and continue to watch the moon cover the sun.  After about a minute Brody peaked his head back out the door in another panicky crying voice because Jett was awake and he was afraid Jett would look out the window at the sun.  It was really sweet and I feel bad that I didn't comfort him more at the time but the eclipse was only going to last a few minutes and I really wanted to see it.  The whole experience was pretty neat, for me.  The outside was an eerie and there was a strange darkness, yet with eclipse shaped shadows on the ground.  The crickets started to chirp and everything just seemed off or even wrong.  The whole experience really makes you realize how small we are in this whole universe.  

Friday, August 18, 2017

Kings Island

Anytime you ask Brody what he wants to do he says he wants to go to Kings Island.  I had been planning to take him but wanted to wait till school was back in session so it wouldn't be so crowded and I just didn't know how I was going to do it with all three.  Luckily I looked up the schedule and realized there was really only one day we could go so I recruited the help of my friend Erica and her son Andrew and we went.  The day was great and I think everyone had a wonderful time!!  Tristan even got to ride a

few rides.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Tristan's 1st Camping Trip

To mark Tristan's 1 month birthday what better way to celebrate but to go camping.  I know it sounds crazy but so far he has been a pretty easy going baby so we thought why not.  We packed up the trailer and headed to Koomer Ridge campground Friday afternoon.  We set up camp, and the first night went pretty well.  I even laughed that I was probably the only one camping with a breast pump.  The next day we all went rock climbing with some friends.  While the climbing and hiking with them was pretty fun both of our older two were in a mood and they made parts of it pretty challenging.  We ended up leaving them to go climb so more while we went back to the trailer for some much needed naps.  That night we all hung out by the campfire and had a great time.  The next day the men wanted to go climbing alone so Mamiko and I were in charge of the children.  I decided we should take them all on a hike to Rock Bridge.  On the way there in my head I was freaking out.  What were we thinking going on a 3 mile hike with 5 children.  I had never hiked in the gorge without Dave, but had been on this trail before.  Mamiko didn't know her way around so in a way I was the leader of the group.  In my head I just kept telling my self that I put people to sleep, and keep them alive during surgery, I could do this!!  In the end it was probably the best day of the entire trip.  The kids did fairly well hiking, and they loved playing in the water and eating lunch by the waterfall.