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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fort Boonsboro

We are enjoying learning about Winchester and all the new things this small town has to offer.  This weekend Dave, Peggy and I took the boys to Fort Boonsboro to see a battle enactment and to experience what it was like living back in those times.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fall Soccer

Brody and Jett both returned to the same teams for fall soccer.  Jett's team is still having a blast but this season Brod's team really got into the game.  It has been a warm fall so we are really enjoying this season.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Jett's 1st Day of 4 Year Old Preschool

Jett was super excited for his turn to go back to school.  This year he has Mrs. Mary and she seems fabulous.  In true Jett fashion he was a goofball and decided he would like to be a carrot or a person when he grows up.