Monday, August 10, 2020
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Jett's Kindergarten Introduction Video & First Day of School
I can't believe it but Jett starts Kindergarten this year. I am so thankful that he and Tristan and Brody are getting to go to in person school. Jett's teacher sent out an introduction video about herself since we are not having open houses due to covid. In return she asked each student to send her a video about themselves. Jett's was hilarious and I love that he included his brothers.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Tristans First Dentist Visit
Today the boys and I went to get our teeth cleaned. I was a little apprehensive to schedule us all at once but it worked out great. Tristan sat on my lap while I got my teeth cleaned and then when I was done it was his turn. He let the examine, clean, pick and count his teeth. I was a little surprised about how good he did but then again he usually is pretty laid back and goes with the flow.