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Sunday, September 29, 2013

First Big Boo Boo!

First Boo Boo

Ok.... so it is definitely not his first boo boo but it is the first boo boo worth documenting.  So hear is what happened....  
FYI: I have gone back and forth on weather or not to include the pictures of his lip but decided I should.  Sometimes parenting/growing up isn't pretty and in efforts to keep this journal of our life realistic I decided to go ahead and include the pictures.  

I used to follow Brody around and tell him "No" to about almost everything he wanted to chew on but now am trying to reserve "No" for serious things so that hopefully the word will have some weight when he hears it.  One of his favorite things to chew on is the drawer under the oven, I used to tell him, "No" to this but decided what harm could be done by him chewing on a stainless steel drawer.  That being said he has been pulling it out and chewing on it for weeks now with no problems, until the other night.  A few nights ago he pulled out the drawer and scooted around to the edge to start chewing.  Dave and I didn't think much of it till we heard him cry and when I looked over there was blood pouring out of his mouth.  There was do much blood and of course Brody did not want to cooperate with my exam of his mouth that it took a minute or two for us to figure out just what was bleeding.  Once we got got the bleeding under control we realized it was his upper lip.  By this time Brody was chewing on an ice cube and laughing as long as we didn't try to hold him down or examine him further.  We sent a picture of his cut lip to a plastic surgeon I work with and he thought it would do fine on its own and didn't warrant a stitch.  Shewwwww!!!  We then took our little patient up to the bath tub and let him suck on a strawberry Popsicle while we got him all cleaned up.  He was such a little trooper and although his lip still looks a little bruised he has long forgotten the whole ordeal.  

Lesson learned.... you can't predict all injuries and sometimes activities you believe are safe aren't.  Thanks to Nanny Sara the oven drawer lo longer pulls out and Brody will have to find something else to chew on all the time. 

1 comment:

amanda said...

Poor little guy!!! I'm glad he didn't need stitches:(