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Saturday, February 24, 2018

Jett Makes Another Trip To The ER

This week the kitchen bench turned over and literally smashed Jett's toe.  This injury landed us in the ER again where he was such a brave boy.  His toe ended up being broken, but just at the tip so he earned himself some nasal versed, a digit block and a good washout.  He was such a funny drunk!!  He couldn't stop talking, and especially about sticky tape.  When we finally got home he was to drunk to stand or walk and just laid face down on the living room floor laughing about how he couldn't get up.  It definitely gave Dave and I some comic relief after a stressful evening.  That night Jett bunked up with me so I could keep a close eye on him while he slept since he was still pretty loopy.  To my surprise he actually slept well and now that we are a few days out he has been a trooper and hasn't complained much about his toe.

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