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Friday, January 6, 2017

14 weeks Baby #3

Well its been a wild ride #3.  I have been so sick and have needed so much medicine that we have all been so worried about you.  We had our NT ultrasound last week and luckily you measured a day ahead and checked out 100%.  I am so glad you are doing well despite the issues I have had.  I can't believe I am already 14 weeks pregnant and it feels like before I know it I will be 20 weeks and you will be halfway here.  Brody has finally come around and on his own told us he was so excited for the new baby.  Jett still has no clue what is about to hit him.  I am really feeling better now and am starting to show which I can't decide if I am happy about or not.  I do look forward to finally feel you making those summersaults in my belly.  I am savoring all of the ups and downs of this pregnancy because I know it will be my last.  Three children is what I know we were meant to have and I happy that you will soon be here to complete our family.  I am also kind of sad that this is my last pregnancy and last chance I will have to experience this gift.  So far we have a few names picked out for you.  If you are a girl, your name will be Veda (my pick) or Heidi (Dave's pick).  If you are a boy we are currently thinking Miles.  I have my own gender prediction for you but I am keeping that a secret, and I have only told your Dad what I believe you are. 

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