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Saturday, February 18, 2017

20 week Ultrasound

Half way there!  I can't even believe that.  This pregnancy is flying by and you will be here before we know it.  I finally have a baby bump and you are already making me uncomfortable, but I will just blame that on you being the third and not on you yourself.  We are still struggling on names but I am desperately trying to convince your Dad your name should be Veda if you area girl.  He wants Heidi.  If you are a boy, well all we have is Jack.  Jack, because that is what Brody says your name is. 
This week was your anatomy ultrasound and you looked great. Dave ended up having to travel to Atlanta so he was unable to see you but I enjoyed watching you flip flop around and fan out your little fingers.  At one point it even looked as if you were trying to suck your thumb, maybe you will be a thumb sucker like Jett.  I still don't know your gender and it was really hard not to look this time.  Since your Dad was not there I had no one to hold me accountable and I really want to know what you are.  I will be patient though and wait just like we did for your brothers. 

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