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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Announcing Tristan Gilbert Kaiser

Our last baby was born 7/7/17 and we couldn't be happier!  Our family is now complete with three beautiful healthy boys.  Dave and I love that we are a family full of boys and can't wait to explore this world with them.
Tristan like his brothers just didn't want to leave my womb and we ended up scheduling yet another induction.  This was a pretty big disappointment to me for I really wanted to experience going into labor on my own.  We could have continued to wait for you to come on your own time but you were only getting bigger, and I was growing terribly uncomfortable, Dave was leaving for Atlanta in a few days and we kinda loved the birth date of 7/717.  So that morning Sara came over super early to be here with your brothers and Dave and I headed into the hospital at 5am.  We had decided we wanted this birth to just be him and I and we wanted time to just be together so we didn't have any family present during the induction.
The entire induction was pretty simple and frankly when Tristan was born I just couldn't believe how easy it was and I couldn't believe your birth process was over.  Pitocin was started around 6am, I received my epidural around 10am, and you were born at 11:19.  Dave called out your gender and I had honestly forgot that we didn't know if you were a boy or girl.  I had felt so strongly at the end that you were a boy that I really wasn't surprised.  For maybe one millisecond I felt sad that you were not a girl and that I would never know what it was like to have a daughter but that fleeting thought vanished so quick and I fell in love with you.  Tristan was born with brown hair of which Dave kept asking where that came from.  He just couldn't believe you had dark hair despite the fact that I have brown hair.  I for one really hope that you keep your dark hair and that we will have a red head, a blond, and a brunette.  You weighed 8lbs11oz, and 20.5 inches long.  You are super furry and I love all the peach fuzz that covers your entire body.
That day we were visited by your Nana and Clark, and Grandma came the next day your brothers followed by the Sutherland family, and Sara.  Your big brothers were so enamored by you.  They both couldn't wait to hold you and check out all your little parts.  You got so many kisses that morning and we all were so happy to have you complete our family.

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