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Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Two weeks ago Brody started Gymnastics.  We thought it would be good for him to get used to organized play, following directions, and listening to a teacher.  Luckily our neighbor, Heath is one of his teachers so there is one familiar face. 
To my surprise the first day he ran in with all the other kids.  He just followed right along.  I don't think it occurred to him that I wasn't right behind him.  He had so much fun in the class that he didn't think to look for me, and little did he know but I was watching from the balcony above.  He did pretty well.  He had some trouble following directions from the teachers and often got distracted by all the fun equipment but he is the youngest in the class and he has never been in a class like setting before.  When he filled out with the rest of the kids I could see him before he could see me and his little bottom lip was quivering.  I think it was right at that point that he realized he was alone.  When he saw me he just fell to the floor and started crying.  I of course praised him and told him how good of a job he did but he continued to tell me that he had fun but "nastics was all done."  What he was trying to get across was he didn't want to go back. 
The next week he didn't follow the other kids in and we had lots of tears.  He eventually went in with Heath as long as I agreed to stand in the corner of the gym.  He eventually warmed up and did well but I hope that each week goes a bit better, and eventually he gains the self confidence to participate on his own will. 

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