Our first week home has been filled with love, happiness, family, and of course some challenges. My parents, and Daves mom have been down to visit multiple times, as well as Andrea, Brett, Cole, Graham, Shannon, Chris, and Charlie. My Mom especially has been a HUGE help and probably the biggest reason we have had such a great first week. She did so much laundry, went through all of Brody's old clothes to see what we could use for Jett, cooked dinner, went to the grocery, cleaned our house, entertained Brody, held Jett and so much more. I am forever grateful!!!!
Jett is really a great baby, he nurses very slow, but well, sleeps in 3-4 hour segments and is happy in his swing or sleeper most of the time. He definitely likes to be held and have his butt patted. He doesn't mind if his diaper is dirty, but he does take about an hour to nurse each time.
We have had a few days where for the majority of the day I am alone with them and I have learned one lesson..... When the opportunity presents itself to get something done you take it because if you don't you may never get the opportunity again. For instance after Jett finishes his 4:45am feeding it is usually about 6am and if I have any hope of looking somewhat presentable by noon I have to use that early morning time to get ready.
Brody is our rigid routine oriented kid which has been good and bad but Jett surely will have to be a go with the flow kid. I often have no idea when he nursed last or from what side or for how long. He nurses when he demands it or when it's convenient for me. I also nurse him in public something I really wouldn't have done with Brody, but with a two year old on the go Jett has to eat on the run. Our house often is a mess but so far I have been able to strengthen things up at least once a day, more so to keep my sanity. I have started to worry about how on earth I will be able to juggle all of this once I head back to work. I guess we will just continue to take it one day at a time and I'm sure we will survive just fine.