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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Anouncing Jett Raymond Kaiser

On March, 18th at 3:08pm Dave and I welcomed our second son into this world, and we couldn't be happier.

Jett's Birth Story:

Dave and I reported to Central Baptist hospital at 5am the morning of the 18th for an induction.  We had scheduled an induction at term to insure that this baby would hopefully be no bigger than Brody.  Things quickly got moving as I was hooked up to monitors, blood was drawn, an IV started and Pitocin was running.  Dr Adkins arrived early that morning and broke my water which definitely intensified my contractions and sped things along.  Not to long after my having my water broke did I receive my epidural. Around 2pm Dr Adkins checked me and I had dilated to 5-6 cm.  He told us typically from here on out we should expect that I would dilate 1cm an hour.  Lindsey, who was our amazing labor nurse helped me turn on my side and settle in to get some rest in preparation for pushing in just a few short hours.  Not to surprising to me, because it is similar to how fast I dilated after turning on my side with Brody, I was complete in about a half an hour and it was time to push.  At first Dave sat in the recliner reading his book because with Brody pushing took 3.5 hours, and we both didn't expect anything to happen much faster this time.  After about 25 min of pushing with Lyndsey's and Dave's help she had me stop pushing with my contractions and she called Dr Adkins to come..... it was time to have a baby!!!!  We both were shocked and couldn't believe how different, fast, and easy things had been so far.  Dr. Adkins arrived and as soon as I started pushing with him we soon realized there was a problem.  Our Baby's heart rate had dropped and was staying to low.  Before Dave and I could blink I was placed on oxygen, and the NICU team was in the room.  A vacuum device was applied to the baby's head to help me get him out faster.  I became all business and had little emotion, I just knew what I had to do and I was ready to do whatever they needed so that our baby would be okay.  Dave on the other hand was nervous and kept asking me if everything was okay.  I reassured him that it was and before we knew it our little Jett was born.  He was a tight nuchal X1 but pinked up as soon as the cord was unwrapped from his neck.  I remember lifting my head to check his color and of course desperately wanting to know if we had a boy or a girl.  I think I saw, at the same exact moment that I heard Dave enthusiastically proclaim, "It's a BOY!!!"  The NICU team placed him on my chest and I instantly was in LOVE.  They then cleaned him up weighed him and brought him back to me where he immediately nursed.  Dave and I spent the next hour loving on our new baby boy as we both kept talking about how much different and easier of a birthing experience this was.  Later our parents came to see him and took turns holding and loving on the new addition to our family.

Jett Raymond Kaiser
Born at 3:08pm on March 18th, 2015
Weight: 7lbs9oz
Height: 19.5in

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