Dear Brody,
As I sit down to write this tears immediately fall. You are my first born, my reason for living, and encompass everything in this world that makes me happy.
We have had a crazy roller coaster ride with you the last 2 1/2 years. You have brought so much joy to our lives. You were an amazingly easy baby. You slept, and were a happy baby. As a toddler so far you have been challenging. Don't get me wrong we love you but you are just like your dad, hard headed and stubborn. Pair that with 2 year old tantrums and you are a force to be reckoned with.
I love your determination, your tenacity and your kind heart.
At night, after I tuck you in you get up as I stand to leave and wrap your little arms around my neck, hug me while patting my back and give me snotty kisses. Most nights you will do this a few times before I leave. Don't get me wrong I know part of this is a stall tactic but each time you hug me it's the best hug I have ever received.
At night, after I tuck you in you get up as I stand to leave and wrap your little arms around my neck, hug me while patting my back and give me snotty kisses. Most nights you will do this a few times before I leave. Don't get me wrong I know part of this is a stall tactic but each time you hug me it's the best hug I have ever received.
Tonight or tomorrow we will leave you in the care of friends and family as we go to the hospital so I may give birth to your little brother or sister. I have mixed emotions about this. I know you will love having a sibling but the adjustment of not having us all to yourself will be hard on you. You are such a Mommy's boy and often spend most of your time attached to me in one way or another. This will become more difficult as I will also need to care for your sibling. I am so worried that watching me care for the baby will break your little heart. I know it breaks mine to think it might hurt you.
It's hard to believe I will love another human the way I love you , but I know once they place your brother/sister in my arms I will. My heart will grow tomorrow in ways I am sure I don't even know. I can't wait to see what joy this new life will bring to all of us.
I hope and pray that everything goes smooth tomorrow. I pray that you will love your new role as a big brother and you will not be heartbroken when I need to care for the baby and can't be your everything. You will always be my first baby and the first time I knew I could love this much.
I Love you more than I ever thought I could Love another human being!!! I will be anxiously awaiting my return home from the hospital so you can wrap your little arms around my neck and hug me in the way only you can.
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